
Dr. 布鲁斯·福尼在工作近50年后退休

T在这里 aren’t many people who have remained as dedicated to providing the greatest possible care to Box Butte County for as long as Bruce Forney, MD, 有. 这就是为什么我怀着沉重的心情, 经过47年的服务, Box Butte总医院(BBGH)宣布他退休.

在内布拉斯加州出生和长大. 福尼并不总是打算成为一名医生. Before continuing his education and receiving a Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, 他曾想在父亲的农场工作.

“我一直想成为一名牧场主,”他说. “当我准备上高中的时候,我爸爸说‘你们有五个孩子,你是最大的. IM电竞App官网不能把农场分成五份.’他说,‘你必须接受教育.“直到那时,我才开始考虑甚至打算成为一名医生. 从那时起,这就是我的目标.”

当了几年住院医生之后, 练习普通外科, 在急诊室做些兼职工作, Dr. Forney moved to Alliance and began his medical career in 1976 when he started his own family practice and opened the Alliance Medical Center.

“我最喜欢的时刻之一是走在新诊所里. 我和费尔班克斯建造的,”他说. “IM电竞App官网有一个漂亮的设施, 有内部x光和实验室,至少有四个提供者的房间, 如果不是更多的话. IM电竞App官网有很棒的员工,我和他们有很多美好的回忆.”

当时镇上没有固定的全职普通外科医生. Forney took on a majority of the general surgery cases for Alliance Medical Center while also maintaining a busy OB practice. 他相信在他的职业生涯中,他接生了“超过2500个孩子”.

2008年,在恢复了个人执业后. 福尼卖掉了他的房子,把他的病人档案转移到了BBGH. 从那时起,他在BBGH担任过各种不同的职位. He served as Chief of Staff several times alongside his work in the 急诊科 and as a primary care provider. 还有定期给病人看病, he sat on the hospital’s Board of Directors and was one of the founding members of the Box Butte健康基金会 board.

在这里工作期间. Forney 有 been able to watch BBGH evolve from what it was when it first opened its doors in 1976 to what it is today.

“我参与了很多幕后的事情, 曾经是董事会成员,他说. “我看到的最大变化之一是Box Butte General招聘了专业供应商. 尽管我认为初级保健和家庭医疗是医院的支柱, it’s nice for the people of Alliance to have specialty people that they can come see right 在这里 in their community.”

现在他有了一些空闲时间. 福尼说,他花更多的时间在农场工作, 做一些旅行, 和家人朋友聚聚.  

 他说:“IM电竞App官网所有人都应该站到一边,做一些不同的事情。. “对我来说, family practice was very rewarding and I’ve had a lot of my patients also be my friends and are like an extended family to me. 我肯定我会想念的. 我会想念博克斯巴特综合医院的人. 我在这里有很多好朋友. 时间会证明我还会错过什么.”

BBGH将举办一个退休派对. 福尼7月18日下午4-6点在西区活动中心. 欢迎市民出席. 

如果你想听更多的故事. 福尼在BBGH的时间,看看他在BBGH的播客“Over the Counter”上的采访, 在这里.