
BBGH 校董会 8月ust meeting

星期一中午,Box Butte综合医院(BBGH)董事会召开会议, 8月. 28,在BBGH联盟室. This month’s agenda included a report on HIPAA violations, 病人连接, 和联合委员会调查. 同意日历, 7月财务报告, and credentialing requests were all approved as presented.

Chief Quality Officer Mary Mockerman gave a brief report on the type of HIPAA violations, which involve misidentifying patients or their records, 这一直在发生. 会议期间, 她说,BBGH一直在接到病人的电话,他们的档案中有其他病人的信息,或者有其他病人的信息上传到他们的病人门户网站.

“We’re taking a deep dive with this,” she said. “We’re talking to staff and employees, Jordan (Colwell) and his team have put in a strategy to double-check some patient identifiers. IM电竞App官网还没找到线索呢.”

莫克曼说的, 从历史上看, employees have received a lot of coaching on these errors, 然而, 关于在将来发生这些错误时增加额外教育的讨论也在进行中.

Chief Operations Officer Jim Bargen gave a brief update on 病人连接, which went live in rehab department on Monday, 8月. 21. 病人连接 allows patients to receive appointment-related text messages from BBGH. 它还允许患者以他们喜欢的联系方式与BBGH沟通,并促进患者门户网站的采用. Bargen said that 病人连接 is expected to launch in the imaging and specialty clinics next. 

最后, 认证专家Gail Burke向董事会介绍了联合委员会的调查结果. She said that her team is about halfway through correcting the 联合委员会’s findings. 她还报告说,今年的调查结果数量低于认可机构的平均水平.

New BBGH employees include: Lead Teacher Lauren Moller, 助教乔丹·沃恩, 拉娜Blumanthal, 阿曼达·本森, 和康复技术Kaylynn Bauer. The Board also recognized 8月ust Employee of the Month Derek Flood, 康复治疗技术, and the first BBGH graduates from the Iowa Online Nurse Residency Program, Tosha格林, 特雷福Ridenour, 考特尼施耐尔, 莎拉·戴维斯.

The Board went into executive session at 1:07 p.m.,而不采取任何行动. 下午1点49分休会.m. The next BBGH Board meeting is Monday, Sept. 25日中午在联盟厅. 欢迎市民出席.