
BBGH welcomes Specialty Nurse Practitioner Sarah Troester

BBGH is proud to introduce Sarah Troester, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, as a new specialty nurse practitioner at Greater Nebraska Medical and Surgical 服务 (GNMSS)!

从内布拉斯加大学医学中心(UNMC)毕业后,Sarah于2012年加入BBGH团队,担任外科护士。. After six years in the surgery department and a few years in management, 她回到UNMC成为一名家庭护士执业,同时也在GNMSS专科诊所兼职工作.

“我将在骨科和泌尿科的专科诊所工作, I’m excited to get back to surgery, as I worked in surgery for nine years in my nursing career,莎拉说. “我很高兴向IM电竞App官网的外科医生和私人助理学习,他们为IM电竞App官网的城镇带来了服务,并能够帮助IM电竞App官网的病人得到持续的照顾. 我认为IM电竞App官网的乡村医院有包括泌尿科在内的多种专业服务,这很好, 多个骨科专科, ENT, and gastrointestinal just to name a few. If I can keep these services easily accessible to our community, I feel that I have succeeded!”

When at work, Sarah tries to incorporate her faith into her work with each patient. She lets the Bible verse “whatever you do, 工作热忱, as for the Lord and not for men” (Colossians 3:23) guide what she does.

“我觉得我要尽我最大的努力工作,总是给我所有的病人和同事我最大的努力,”她说。. “I want my work to reflect Christ in everything I do and hopefully I accomplish this.”

 You can find Sarah working in the orthopedic and urology specialties at GNMSS. 在那里, she will be assisting in surgeries, following up with patient’s care on the 病人 Care Unit and post-op in the clinic.

If you have orthopedic or urological needs, call GNMSS at 308-762-7244 to make an appointment.